I offer personal coaching to help my clients achieve freeeeeeeedom around alcohol – whatever that means to you, such as:

👏 Deciding in advance how much you’ll drink and drinking just that. Boo to you!

👏 Going to the pub before Sunday lunch and drinking just one glass of wine. YEEES!

👏 Learning how to not desire alcohol AT ALL. For ever and ever amen. Without a drop of resistance.

I encourage people to leap in, to trust yourself, to back yourself 100%.

BUT perhaps you want to take it a little more slowly? Perhaps you see one or two specific things that keep getting in the way of making progress. Perhaps you’re really, really interested in coaching but are a little nervous about going all in without experiencing it first?

I now offer 90 minute intensives. We coach on specifics — either a topic you bring or a topic I know will be of benefit to your life — so you’ll leave the session with exact next steps. No fluff. Just a plan of action.

The even better bit? If you loooooove the experience of being coached so much and want to sign up for my full program (so you get the relationship with alcohol you really, really want), I’ll credit the cost of the intensive towards the full package. Not sure how long I’ll be offering this, but it’s there to be snapped up for now.

Cost of a 90 minute intensive: £249.

Value of a 90 minute intensive: priceless.

Book yours here.

(After you book a session I will contact you with Zoom meeting info and a payment link.)